Monday, May 18, 2009

Playing Maid

Phew. Just got back from Singapore for a business trip. As I was maid-less, 'Antonsiti' (name given by KT) took over! My hubby, Anthony took leave for 2 days to play maid. But this 'maid' declared that he can't cook. So, thank God, my sister agreed to come over to do the cooking. And she also came in early on Friday morning to tie the girls' hair for school. My sis is an angel!

While in Singapore, I called back a few times to ensure that all is well at home. Then I got back on Saturday night to a sinkful of dirty plates, tons of washed but unfolded and un-ironed clothes. Well... at least he knew how to turn on the washing machine! And while I unpacked, Antonsiti quickly washed the dishes. The house is - well messy - but tolerable. Oh, he did iron the school uniforms for school on Friday. And he did mopped the floor. Ok-la for a man! Yes, he's an angel too.

Then on Sunday, when I was preparing dinner, I found a surprise in the wet-kitchen. I lifted the lid off the pot sitting on the gas cooker, and OMG - the smell of putrid soup!! My sis made very nice soup for Friday dinner, and Antonsiti forgot to put the letovers into the fridge!

Well, I still appreciate Anthony taking 2 days leave, and doing all the housework. He rushed off to work today in greater spirits. Must be a big relief for him now that I'm back.

As for me - hey, keeping house isn't that bad. Manageable-la, just not as great as when I had my maid. Of course I've also no time to do anything else. Can't do my biz work. How-la? Keeping my fingers crossed and my prayers moving upwards that my application to get my previous maid back will go smoothly.


  1. May I suggest we "punish" Anthositi for his absentmindedness??

  2. Welcome Back Gina! thumbs up for Anthony and your sis :) it's not easy when the kids are schooling yeah?


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