Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is it July 4th yet?

On June 1st, Jeremy declared that he will be "good from today."

Why from today? I asked

"Because it'll be my birthday in one month's time."

He did try.... but he keeps forgetting and has to be reminded every hour or so.

He has been checking the calendar in the dining room almost everyday. To see if it's July 4th yet.

only 30 more days to go
only 22 more days to go
only 9 days to go
and suddenly today .... oh gosh! .... only 2 more days!!!

And we haven't plan anything for him!! (yes, I feel guilty)

He didn't ask for any party.

I think he's just hoping that when he opens his eyes on his birthday his fairy-godmother would have arrived and left him an enormous present. One that cost RM29xx !!

(we have this tradition in my family where the birthday kid will wake up and see presents on his/her bed. Everyone - mom&dad, bro and sis will give something, small or priceless!)

So today I frantically called on a few of my friends and asked if they will come for a pizza dinner on Saturday. Jeremy's so lucky to have all these sweet aunties who say 'Yes, I'll be there' even tho it's so last minute.


  1. he is my idol can i not be there for him!

  2. He's born on Independent's Day? Hhahaha..too bad, he's not american..


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