Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chefs in the Making

I have been now maidless for more than 2 months!! Really really tough. But now getting the hang of it. It ain't that bad. I got part-time cleaners, at least. But I'm tied down - can't go out as and when i like - can't go hospital anytime to help someone to breastfeed, making apppointments for fitline in the mornings, then have to rush back to cook and get the kids from school

Kids got it tough too. They've learned how to wash plates properly, sweep the floor, fold their clothes and put them into their proper place in the closet and cook!
Yes cook!

Damian cooked this Fried Rice (a bit wet tho) - I just gave verbal instructions and he did everything. The orange? His idea. he even cut them himself.

This dish was cooked by Josephine - all by herself, without me standing next to her!

The two girls having a blast. This dish (Seafood spaghetti), I got help la.

Not having maids can be a blessing in disguised.... but I still want one!!! I think I can 'see ' one coming soon! ;-)


  1. Think Jojo cooks better than her Kai Ma.
    BTW< where's genius Jeremy's creation?


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