Monday, April 13, 2009

Scratch & Win Scam

Had lunch with a friend the other day. After lunch, as we were walking to her car, we noticed 3 very excited young people gathering around a professional-looking man in a business suit. Immediately we knew that this is the 'scratch and win scam' in action.

They were talking rather loudly, exclaiming "Wow, you're the first person we know who win so big! You must take action now to claim your prize!"

The professional-looking man also got very excited. He was like 'Wow, amazing, amazing, Nothing like this happened to me before. How to get the prize?" *eyes rolling* will people never learn?

We got into the car. I've known this friend of mine to be rather shy and quiet, so what she did next almost knocked me off the rockers! She drove her car right up to the group of excited people, rolled down her window and yell "Hey stupid, this is a scam! You never read the papers ah?" And before they had any chance to respond, she drove off!


What came over my friend? Her hubby was the victim of such a scam. Lost $5ooo+ and in return, got a house full of low-quality appliances.

Well... there are still so many gullible people around .... and if we, (like my friend) can come out of our shells and attempt to alert an innocent (tho gullible) person, we could (and should).

I don't know if that professional-looking man did get conned. I hope not!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the professional looking guy is part of the syndicate. That's the way they cheat those innocent investors.


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