Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kids are .....hmmmm....

So, Jeremy is banned - from watching TV for 1 whole week!!! I told him that if he cheats when I'm not around, then it's an additional week! How did he take it? Well, he howled, initially, then it was quiet .......

(hmmm, maybe 'No TV' is not really a punishment. He's enjoying himself with his many sets of Lego - the newest set from Aunty SY)

We were discussing bad habits. The following is the general consensus:

Damian - Digging his nose!!! (Eeewwww...)

Stephanie - Talking too much, too fast.

Josephine - also Gigging her nose (double Eeewwww...)

Jeremy - crying and blaming other people

Daddy - not listening

Mommy? Oh, Mommy has no bad habits. Mommy is perfect

"But nobody's perfect" said Jeremy.

"But your Mommy's perfect!" I insisted

"I know what Mommy's bad habit is." declared Jo. "Mommy's bad habit is not admitting that she has bad habits!"


  1. Jeremy is right. I still remember, Mei Keng always claimed she's the most beautiful among all the girls in school. LOL


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