Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's rewarding

I've not updated this blog for 10 days!!!

It's been a frenzied time for me. Feverishly promoting the school holiday camps. Runing north, south , east and west asking people to sponsor 15 less-priviledged teens so that they too can attend The YES! Camp which was held on 2 - 4 Dec 2009 (Wednesday to Friday).

It's already 1st Dec and with 4 more teens left unsponsored, but I knew somehow, someone will help us pull through. Amazingly (but not surprisingly), it happened! Thank you to all my good friends who either sponsored a teen (some even sponsored 4!) or heped me get the word out!. Indeed there are many great amazing people out there!

Someone asked... why am I doing this? Honestly, I'm not making tons of money from these camps (yet), but I do it because I really really enjoy it. I enjoy seeing the awareness and understanding dawning in the kids eyes. I enjoy seeing them come out of their shell and start opening up. I enjoy pushing them to their limits and have them succeed.

There were many participants who were initially not happy to be there. They were forced by their parents, or by their guardians(in the case of some of the sponsored teens)

There was this girl.... she was sulking. She was not happy to be there. Everything is boring for her. On the last day, she was smilling and high-5-ing her new friends. And she wrote "people are not that bad... i just have to give them, and myself a chance". That's great isn't it?

Another said "Now I appreciate all that I have. I will be more positive from now on, and not complain just because I don't get my own way."

Yet another, "I have been to many camps, but this is the best camp ever!!"

Out of 29 participants, all (but 1) had an amazing time. I'm not making this up. I've proofs!! I actually recorded them saying these! And I have it in writing too!!! Ask to see it if you want!

So... one did not enjoy himself. He felt that the camp was 'military' and he did not come to camp to be 'tortured'!!! He told me personally that he hated the camp. (But yet, during graduation time, when we gave out the certificates, he said that he had a great time.) Oh well.... you can't please everyone!!

I'm happy.

And exhausted.

But Happy

Very happy


  1. happy + exhauted makes you balance in both. positive n negative. hehe.

    A smile from SJ =)

  2. Hi Gina, really heartwarming to read of your kind acts.
    Well done Gina, outstanding work.
    Its always good to help those in need.
    Hands that help are Holier than lips that pray.
    You keep well and have a pleasant week, best regards, Lee.


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