Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On My Declarations

The declarations I wrote yesterday came from "Master Your Mind" a T.Harv Eker's Signature Seminar.

Have you ever wondered why it seems that some people usually succeed? And others seem to be constantly struggling to make ends meet?

The people who succeed know how to program their minds for success, while the others may be operating under negative suggestions or beliefs developed early in life which inhibit their success.

I have learnt (with many amazing testimonials from successful people) that the results of positive declarations are very powerful when used on a regular basis. I can have the power to reprogram my conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious mind and create what I want by repeating to myself these declarations everyday.
Sounds too good to be true? Well... I'm going to give it a shot anyway. After all.... no harm can come from telling myself good things about myself right?


  1. u hv been doing that since u were a teen! dun u rem the 'oh i m so beautiful' remarks??

  2. oh Yes, That's why I look great today!! See... Declarations do Work!!! Yay!

  3. Hey, I was first to leave another comment in this entry but now it's gone!! Bummer!!


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