Wednesday, September 2, 2009


There are 2 new maids at home .....

Because the 2 maids are new to the job, they're not used to hard work. By the end of 1 week, both were scheming about running away.

The kids were very sweet.

They helped to wash plates (after which Ginawati has to rewash, due to the soap and sometimes grease and food still stuck on the plates).

They helped to sweep the floor (moving the dirt and dust from one end of the room to the other end.)

They helped to wipe the tables (sweeping all the food residue and bones under the table.)

They helped to tidy up their room (dumping everything out of sight into the cupboards.)

They helped.


............................. I mean it!!!

* kisses and hugs for them!


  1. oh..hahaha. .your kids are so precious !! love the biodatas *grin* !

  2. ROFL!!!! I'm glad you find Antonsiti helpful. I really hope "hes" likes hes new name.

  3. btw..i thk it's natural human behaviour..i did all the above..even now ;

  4. And by the way... nice pics of Ginawati & Antonsiti. very photogenic...


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